Watch 'Cooking With
PEI Potatoes'

with Heather Moyse

R.A. Rose & Sons profiled on Episode 3 Food Country with
Chef Michael Smith

PEI Flavours


East Point Potato 2009 Inc. has created a strong reputation through our continuing goal to build relationships within the retail and food service industry. This commitment ensures quality control and uninterrupted supply to our customers.

State of the art Packaging Equipment

We grade, size, and package our potatoes through our facility’s processing line. Our traceability equipment allows us to achieve pinpoint accuracy.

The Volm bagger is capable of packaging paper and poly bags
from 3 pounds to 50 pounds.

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The Hagen Sizer has the capability of creating food service count boxes. Simply put, it can sort 5 to 25-ounce potatoes individually and place them in the proper containers (40 count to 140 count, etc.) with multiple label combinations.

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